Not Pron Hints

Tuesday, Jul. 26, 2005 - 2:20 pm

I've started this page because some of the people visiting this diary have come looking for hints on the game Not Pron. So I'm obligingly giving anyone who wants it some hints. I'm currently on page 21, so obviously no hints above that.

Ah yes, before I start, there are clues all over the levels, you just have to figure them out. Here are some places where they are placed:
1. Check the URL, there are sometimes hints in there.
2. The heading of the page can give some clue, so if you're a full-viewer sort of person (like me) un-full-view it (do you like my technical term?) so you can see the header.
3.The image may have some clues. Scrutinize the image to find them.. and sometimes there are flashing messages. You have to be really quick to see them though.
4. The source often holds massive clues. Right click the page, and on the menu that appears go down until you get the option "View Source". Look particularly for things that start < ! (without the space) and end ! > (again without the space) since they will contain clues.

Level 1
This one's easy. If you need hints for this you don't deserve to play the game.

Level 2
Um yeah pretty easy again.
What's the finger pointing at?

Look at the URL, anything need changing up there?

Level 3
Hey, did you see that message flash up ever so ever so breifly? No? Well if you can't be bothered to watch for ages it says "Don't be so Negative"

Don't be so negative? Whatever could that mean? Maybe it's talking about the URL, perhaps... well that's what it suggests in the source code, at least.

Level 4
Okay, this is a passworded one. What does the header say? Can you see anything in the dark? Does it seem familiar? It should, you do see it on almost every sign in town. Go look it up. I suggest Omniglot. Go search.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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