
Sunday, Oct. 09, 2005 - 10:34 pm

I read this today.
A creepy article but interesting nonetheless.
Well I never.
I went to Florida and met some alligators. One was 10ft and he was just a few metres away from me and my family, we were ready to ride off on our bikes, but he didn't look like he was going to go anywhere. I like alligators. Sure they're dangerous but they're sorta cute in their own special way.

Aww lookatit.

Well today? What did I do today? Hmm, well on Friday I had work lovely work, as I will always from now on, Saturday morning I had work lovely work, and THIS morning I had work too. I have to get up early tomorrow, so I will have NO lie-ins until next Sunday, joy of all joys.

Everything is just peachy. Honest...

Saturday after work (I worked with my manager for an hour while Maggie got her 'flu jab, it was nice because I got coffee) I went to Fareham with my family. We ate in one of my favourite Chinese Restaurants (they charge �4.95 for a three-course lunch, and are always polite and clean and the food is YUMMY, oh and, and one can have as much tea as one wants), which was lovely because this was just about the first time in months that we have all eaten out. Mum and Dad are financially in a tight corner (a tight dark corner with cobwebs and dead moths) and so Mum has cut back on everything. And I really mean everything. I miss my life of luxury *quiet staged sob*.

Well afterwards Ben and Dad got to go off and do fun stuff while I was dragged off by Mum to do some 'fun' clothes shopping. Although I do love my dear Maman, I simply cannot understand why she (along with most other women, actually) like clothes shopping so much. It's like playing dress-up, only you're not 6 anymore and probably CAN fit into your mother's shoes.


Okay I had to stop writing this entry so I'm writing some more here on 10/10/5 at 2:36pm at College.

Mum and I bought some new jeans for me, including my S.F.S.S.J.W.A.N.B Jeans (standing for Super Fantastic Sexy Sexy Jeans With A Nice Belt.), and some new trainers.
Actually we all got on rather well, considering we're nearly always trying to kill each other usually.

On Sunday I watched my Weekendly Sci-fi spree consisting of Enterprise and Stargate SG-1, though not necessarily in that order, and then mooched around until bedtime.

Shall write about today in a new entry

Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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