Memes 2

Thursday, Sept. 29, 2005 - 4:15 pm


Je suis fatige.. Mon francais c'est ... bad. Terrible spelling, grammer, my Nan would be dissapointed in me.

Well since today has been utterly uneventful other than double Japanese
and Philosophy, I think I shall do a few random memes. Because I'm bored.

Tuesday Twosome
What are the last two...
1. TV shows you watched?
I watched Lost last night at 11:00pm on E4; this series is really amazing. It's scary, exciting, and very interesting. In this episode the pregnant lady became convinced that somebody was after her and wanted to hurt her baby. Jack thought that it was pre-natal anxiety, but then towards the end Sa�d stumbled back to the caves camp and told everybody that they "are not alone," the last scene was really good. I can't wait untill next Wednesday!
The other program was Neighbours, but I got fed up and came up here instead.

2. household chores you finished?
Household chores? What are these "Household Chores" of which you speak?

3. food items you ate?
An Emmental Cheese Pasty from the College Shop. Also some honeycombe chocolate about half an hour ago, Mum gave it to me because of my incredibly bad chocolatey luck on Tuesday; as I got my lunch out of my bag, the bag split, the chocolate fell out and landed squarely in the bin. WORST LUCK EVER.

4. websites you visited?
Gaia Online, an online forum thingy which has a neat little fishing game that I like to waste my time on.

5. things you do before you go to sleep?
Read a few pages of my book, and then set my phone alarm to wake me up at 6.


Oh yawn. I'm bored.
Right now I'm listening to David Jacobs. Yes, okay I listened to the program on Sunday, but the music is always so relaxing that I couldn't resist hearing it on listen again. Want a link? Here: Clicky clicky.

I go now.

Love Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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