My new 'family'. Bah.

Monday, May. 09, 2005 - 9:42 am

Good morning.

I am sitting in the library right now. I'm wearing make-up for the first time in months and I think I've just smudged mascara all over my face. Now I will be walking around with a bluish-black eye all day.

I am aching a LOT. I think I might have over-exerted myself when I was lugging around crates of milk Saturday at work. The inside muscles of my leg are hurting so much that I'm basically walking without bending. Ouch ouch OUCH. Some good things come of this heavy lifting, though. I'm stronger now and not so much of a weak little girl ^_^

Anyway last Saturday was Dennis' marriage. He got married to a woman named Maxine, who's pretty ugly, a drunkard, and has droves of short chubby freaky-looking chav kids - our new cousins... *voice of DOOM*

Well you all know the story of Dennis, don't you? The time he got very very drunk and nasty then threated our family before dissapearing from our lives (thankfully) for almost ten years and coming back again (damn). So basically it's a couple of violent drunkards and druggies. I had to go to the reception at my Nan's house after I had finished work, and I really REALLY didn't want to go. But I did. Amazingly, Dennis wasn't drunk AT ALL. I think all the time I was there he'd only drunken one glass of champagne and the rest of the time had cherryade and stuff. But MAXINE. According to Daniel, my cousin (Auntie Pat's son) she was drunk during the wedding, even. She had gotten herself into prison the night before and the wedding nearly had to be called off. When I got to the reception I reluctantly went to their tenty thing out in Nan's garden to congratulate them. Maxine made me sit on her lap and proceeded to say this:
"You won't throw tantrums, will you, Kim?"
"Um... ok Maxine..."
"You won't throw tantrums, will you? Promise me? You won't throw tantrums, will you? Promise? Promise? Don't throw tantrums, Kim. DON'T throw tantrums Kim."
"Alright, Max, don't lecture the poor girl." Dennis interrupted. So Maxine stopped this and started to say this instead.
"You be good to your mum. Be nice to your mum. Be nice to her. Be nice to her. She's a good person. I haven't known her long but she's a good person" (Please note: She's gotten drunk before and sent nasty messages aimed at Mum down our phone.) "Just give her a hug. Just one hug. She needs a hug. Give her a hug. Be nice to your Mum. It's not the drink talking, so be nice to her."
I was trying to find an excuse to shut her up and get up and back into the house. I could smell the alchohol on her breath.

I finally did manage to get away from her. Thank God. MY GOD. That is my new 'Auntie'. And my new 'cousins', they can't even get their podgy little hands down the Pringles tube because they've had so many Pringles already that they have an inch and a half of blubber lying under their skins!

On Sunday I went to Auntie Maggie and Uncle Keith's for a barbeque. The Phillips had come down too. It was nice and relaxed but the boys were as noisy as ever and kept talking over each other.

Just before I go, I think I'll just drop in a little nugget of Loom: EXAMS IN ABOUT 3 WEEKS TIME! ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

Yours, Kim xxx

Finishing time: 10:00am

~Edit 10:06~
I'll just add a bit more.

I've caught leprosy off a cutomer at work, I'm CONVINCED of it! As he handed me his money his NAIL came off with it. I was like: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (well inwardly..) He was a nasty piece of work, too. We only had two bags left in the whole wide world (well, until Monday) and he asked for one just for his Daily Mail. When I said no and gave him the reasons "We only have two bags left." He said
"Well now you'll have one."
and took the bag and off he went with his leprotic fingernails. And now my little toenail's coming off at the quick (it should hurt but it isn't) and it's all the fault of that man and his leprosy.

Also before I go: Daniel's got a girlfriend, I can't remember her name but she's very nice. He's like almost 30 and has only had one prior girlfriend and she broke his heart, so let's hope that this one is the one for him. She DOES seem nice.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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