
Wednesday, Dec. 01, 2004 - 10:24 pm


Did I tell you about Ayumi-san? I met her first about a month ago when I got my books out from Southampton library with Wil. I was being bored since I'd done everything and there were no free computers to go on while waiting for Wil to come off. So I noticed that there was a japanese lady sitting next to us (I knew this because she was writing an email in japanese) so I introduced myself by writing a note to here (in japanese). The change in her expression was lovely - it ewent from blank stranger-look to a completely delighted expression.

Well against all odds I met her again last Thursday. Taking this chance meeting of a complete stranger twice in a row, I was suddenly determined not to let her get away again this time - A third chance meeting's not likely. So I asked to exchange email addresses. On Monday I emailed her and I got a reply yesterday. She's so sweet. At the end of her mail she wrote "Let's keeping in touch with!"

I'm gonna reply soon.

In other news, I yelled and swore at a group of people today. They're placing a �6 bet for the first person to kiss me on the cheek. My sense of dignity, self-worth and self-esteem has been priced at �6. That's nice for anybody to know. Thank you, dear Swanmorians, for attempting to do the great favour of bringing my Swanmore life back into my College life, thanks for making me feel more miserable and worthless then I was already. I got away with two months of non-Swanmorish behaviour directed towards me. Well, I shouldn't have expected any more. It's inevitable. My old problems are just going to be following me around for the rest of my life.

Kim (11:27pm)

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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