
Tuesday, Nov. 09, 2004 - 6:13 pm

Hello! 'Tis me, since Alice told me to update.

Truth is, there's nothing much to update about, other than the fact that I just installed a mega useful japanese input device! Which I will now use for the rest of the time I will be writing in here. I do hope your browser supports Japanese text, if it doesn't INSTALL IT NOOOWWWWW!

こんにちは。私はキマです。お名前は何ですか? 四人家族です。父と母と弟がいます。弟の名前 べンです。十四せいです。


こんにちは アリスちゃん お元気ですか?

Ah I love this thing! *hugs it and then gets on with the long-overdue letter to Inoue Ruiko from two years ago (remember, te random person I met at the organ museum? If not go visit this link right here *points at long underlined link* to find the entry. And try not to tut too much at my bad correspondence (is that the right word?)

Later Kim xxx さようなら!
奇怪(that is the kanji for kikai which, if you recall, means strange, wonderful etc)

Tip on reading this page properly: if you have the japanese language support, set the page coding to Unicode, because otherwise you just get the same kanji over and over with scary nonsensical symbols between instead of the nice neat mix of kana and kanji I've used ^_^

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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