Infuriating Daniel

Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 - 2:36 pm

Greetings! Apologies for the sporadic writings, I'm far too preoccupied with revision. God God I hate these exams! I almost fell asleep in the History one. People told me that that exam was easy, I wouldn't know. I was too busy being tired, thirsty, hot, needing the piss and having a headache to think about what my hand was writing. I dread to think what I wrote, the strangest things come out of my hand when it's on autopilot.

Thursday night I felt like my stomach, having finished with digesting food, was attempting to digest itself. It wasn't just this acute and inexplicable hunger that I felt that kept me up almost all night either. It was the fact that I was having the WORST period pains a woman can ever endure! At one in the morning I stole downstairs in just pyjama bottoms (hoping to God that nobody came down) and gulped down two paracetamol, two ibuprofen and one of my blood disorder tablets - Tranexamic Acid pills, relieved the fridge of all its yoghurt and apple and crept back upstairs to my room. Having got there I eat two handfuls of sweets, sucked on a sleep sweet and promptly spent two hours trying to slip past the barrier of pain between me and sleep. Damn barrier - it was extremely well guarded.

Then on Saturday I somehow contracted an illness and thus spent the entire day wrapped in a blanket watching videos. I watched eight in all, including Mary Poppins. What a positively delightful woman Julie Andrews is. I adore that film and I adore her.

Presently I am trying to ignore the incessant whines of one extremely irksome child by the name of Daniel. Good God I hate this child. STOP SCREAMING!!! It's driving me crazy. Seriously I am this close to screaming at him to shut up and storming out of the house. Bloody kid. Please excuse me for that outburst he just GODDAMN ENRAGES ME!!! Get to sleep already!

In other news, there is no other news. Life's basically one long revision session right now. I can't wait till all this is over and I can just concentrate on getting through the summer to college, and then getting through college to... whatever. Just concentrate on life instead of reading revision books and being examined all the time. My next test is on Friday - Drama. I need notes for the test but I have made none. Perhaps I should do that.

Must go now, if I stay one more second in this room my mind shall break and I really will scream at it.


Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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