Luck and Bravery

Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 - 9:10 pm

Am about to talk to mum about councellors and psychiatrists. Wish me luck and bravery.


~Edit 10:33pm~
Just went down and talked to her. She asked me why and I sort of stalled. Then somehow she started to talk about how she wants the best for me boyfriend wise and started to speak about her childhood (I will not divulge) for a long time and I had many moments where I thought she'd lost sight of the actual purpose of the conversation. Then she seemed to snap herself to again and remember where we were at. She told me that I need a proper reason so I told her about OCD. She doesn't think I have that but told me that she thinks I need an anger management course. I suggested getting myself diagnosed somehow but she told me that there is nothing much wrong with me. She suggested that I write down my reasons on paper for her and Dad to see. Hmm... a little more courage, I think.. Perhaps she is right. I love Mum.

Good night xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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