It's a Sunday.

Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004 - 3:30 pm

I started an entry two days ago. Guess what? The bloody internet crashed. It's been doing this too often now. We still haven't got rid of that bloody bug/virus/worm/whatever the damn thing is. Stupid piece of junk.

What have I been doing recently? Well yesterday I had to go the stupid convention again. In Bournemouth. Do you remember the last time I was down there? Mum got bitten by a snake or an insect and got an allergic reaction and we got the Sunday free of the torture that is Jehovah Witness conventions. Thank goodness for exams. Saving me from a second day of writing bible quotes down on a pad to save me from utter boredom.

Can you believe how much of a big deal I made over religious doubts at the start of this?! How old was I?? Just a year younger than I am now! Oh how naive I was.

I have a number of entries from my written one which I feel comfortable with sharing on here. I shall type them out soon. Not before I type all I need to here, though.

I've spent part of today saving virtual copies of some of my CDs onto the computer. It's really easy - all I needed was RealPlayer. And to think of all the time I spent trying alternatives.

The weather's been erratic today. Erratic and beautiful. I seem to have recently gained the knack of seeing the beauty in things. You only have to look. Some things, of course, are just plain ugly. Like rubbish bins. Yuck! Anyway, the weather. It all clouds over, becoming really quite dark, and then the clouds release their rain and it all comes cascading down in a solid sheet of water. Shortly after it all clears up again and the sun shines down on the newly-laid road and the water evaporates quickly. Becomes steam. The steam drifts and whirls in the wind, like eddies in a river. It's simply lovely.

Let me fetch that diary so I can type everything so I don't have to try and remember what's been going on (like anything's been happening.).

Aaaand let me type them into separate entries - a lot of writing here.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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