
Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 - 8:06 pm

Damnit just deleted an entry again!!!

Well I went on a walk earlier and was plagued by hayfever and ant bites. Huge red ant sitting on my neck trying to make a feast of my flesh. It did a mighty good job of it, too.

When I was small I was playing on the lawn (presumably messing with an ants nest, of which I was fond of doing) when suddenly mother heard me screaming my little lungs out (Good Lord that must have been one hell of a scream). She rushed over to me to find me at the mercy of a hundred tiny black ants, all biting away at me. I came up in huge red welds. I suppose I don't like ants anymore. I go over the top when I find one on me or my clothing. Don't you just love my childhood stories?

I just played the one minute word game again. The word was doctor. I wrote
I hate doctors. I've been around too many of them. The Doctor from Voyager. I quite like that character. One could go as far as to say he's my favourite one. Yeah I'm a sci-fi geek. The doctors line the road with their sharp tools and they are watching me. They watch, studying my every move. Some smile with a grim face while others just watch. I hate doctors.

This computor is virus-ridden. It keeps crashing, some pop up keeps coming up called and said pop-up has implanted itself in all of our files bombarding the screen with links to porno sites. We've been trying to rid it of this for a week, I think we will have to reload Windows onto here and start anew. If this is the case then I must save all my files, favourites etc onto CD-RW so I don't lose any of my precious data. *sarcasm* Nah I just wanna save my Depp pictures!

I should go before it decides to come up with the blue-screen virus screen again.

Bye xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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