
Wednesday, Jun. 02, 2004 - 9:50 pm

I haven't much to write about, so I shall write randomness.

I played a game just now. It gives you one word, and one minute to type anything. It should be unedited and you should stop when the time's up. Today's word was: Exchange. This is what I wrote for it.
I was going to go on a foreign exchange when I was young. I was in Year 6 and my school was participating in an Itailian - English exchange. We housed an Italian girl named Tania. She always made mum make her spaghetti or pizza and wouldn't try anything new.

Daily Dirt questions:
1. What genre(s) of music do you like? I like most genres, so that is a redundant question. A better question would be what genre of music do I hate? And the answer to that would be Manufactured Pop!! Die die die diiieeee....
2. How do you determine if a person has a 'good taste' in music? I'm pretty tolerant of other people's music styles. What I don't like is if somebody starts singing along to manufactured pop like it's the best thing in the world. Grrr...
3. Do you base other people's liking in music, upon your own likings? I have NO idea what is meant by that question...
4. What is one of the most important things about music to you? I love it if music has good meaningful lyrics. I also love it if the song contains amazingly wonderful guitar solos! I feel that the meaning or feeling behind a song is very important.
5. Do you believe the media has changed music (ie: showing skin, lyrics, etc)? Why or why not? Everyone knows Pop Idol, right? That has changed music drastically. Before that there wasn't that many crappy bands or songs just either thrown together or salvaged from perfectly respectable songs and mutilated into someting 'popular'. Changed music for the worse, in meinen Meinung. Being able to retrieve lyrics from the internet is very useful for me. Not only does it tell me what they are actually singing, it also prevents me from looking like a fool by singing the wrong set of words entirely! Just an addition here, nothing much to do with the question. Mum used to think that the words in Bohemian Rhapsody was "Beelzebub has a devil for a son called meeee, called meeee.", when everybody knows that it runs "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for meeee, for meeee." Ah, I love that song.

My Collections:
Okay here is my confession. I am obsessed with collecting all manner of useless things. Here is my (incomplete, obviously) list of my collections:
1. Cartridge balls
2. Feathers
3. Incense (As a diversion; when my second counsin was younger, he couldn't pronounce incense, he called it incest instead. *giggle*)
4. Deoderant balls
5. Pens
6. Shells
7. Special edition and foreign and really really old coins
8. Bits of broken plastic
9. The caps off of Smarties tubes
10. Small round pebbles/stones.
11. The stubs of incense sticks
There is more but I can't think of any at the moment.

Cats. I generally adore cats. And they generally adore me in return. The only problem is, I find their fur highly deadly! I am amazingly allergic to the feline species, indeed, most animals with fur. Thus everytime I stroke a cat I immediately have to go and wash my hands of any strands of deadly wheezifying fluff. My next door neighbour's cat is named George. He's only scratched me once. He's just simply adorable, and mighty weird too. One of my usernames on the internet is 'iwuvgeorge', a username I am quite ashamed of even thinking of using.

Alice's Questions:
The state of your heart at the moment. Who do you love and why? I love a few celebrities, only in that celebrity type of love, obviously. Namely Johnny Depp and Alyson Hannigan. Closer to home, two teachers, I am sad to depart school for I know I am not likely to see them again. They are both female, in case you were wondering. And even closer would be Chiyuu, nameless here obviously. She knows who she is :) More to say but I shall save it for another day.
What's your favourite method of transport and why? I love going by foot. It's healthy and it's good for the environment. And one can always do it (unless you have a broken leg or you're trying to travel to oh, let's say Canada on foot). Other than that I like going by bus. It's cheap and easy. But I dislike the fact that it's often filthy. And aeroplanes. Especially ones with in-flight movies. So aeroplanes to America. I love the fact that I can look down on the world and I don't (usually) feel scared because of the height. I am deathly afraid of heights. This one time, when I was in Menorca (that's in July 2000, I was 12), I climbed up these steps carved into the side of a cliff. I managed it fine, but the problem arose when I had to walk back down again. I simply couldn't bring myself to do it. I remember standing on the top step and looking down at the sharp-looking rocks and a very distant-looking piece of seaweed below. In the end a man from down on the beach saw me looking very pale and scared and proceeded to carry me back down the stairs. He smelt of coconut and he had orange grainy feeling suncream on. And that is the story of Me, The Cliff and the Grainy Suncream Guy. Another thing I dislike about aeroplanes is the fact that if somebody coughs or sneezes or has some sort of illness you just simply cannot escape them. You are very likely to catch an illness on a plane. And those toilets? A piece of advice for you. Always relieve yourself before the trip. You do not want to be caught short in the middle of a flight for you will have to go through the traumas of aeroplane toilets.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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