
Saturday, May. 29, 2004 - 12:14 md

I think I might have done well on my English Lit.

I was very sad yesterday for the loss of some Friends. I can't believe that the series has been on for 10 years, it doesn't seem possible... I wonder if the Joey spin-off will be any good? I shall have to watch it to find out. I spent almost all day yesterday watching the episodes of Friends Channel 4 aired every hour or so.

I talked to Wil on the telephone for the first time in ages. He's been banned from the computer until his exams finish. I really don't like dialing phone numbers. I'm always terrified of getting the wrong number or making a fool of myself, or both. One could say I have a sort of phone phobia. When I have to dial phone numbers I tend to dial it twice just to make sure. Feel like a minor detour to a childhood trauma story before returning to this story? Yes? Okay.

When I was in primary school and still friends with Emily Bone, I phoned her. Five minutes into the conversation I had to hang up to have lunch. Mother told me to press redial to phone her up again. I did so, and who did I reach but Lloyds Bank! I didn't know how to deal with this, of course, and was reduced to stuttering down the phone at the poor lady on the other end.
"Uhm... I th-think I may have d-dialed the wr-wrong number..."
"That's okay sweetie, everyone makes mistakes."
"Okay.. C-could I.. p-put the phone down now? Please? Yes. I shall put the phone down now. Uhm... Bye!"
Yes I really did use words like 'shall' and phrases like 'may have' when I was young. I've always been 'posh'. Sort of.
Well since that episode I have alwas been scared of the telephone.

Back to phone conversation yesterday. We talked for about an hour, it was really nice and it reminded me of why I fancied him in the first place. Thankfully it also reminded me of why I broke up with him, too. Ah, he's a good friend and (loathe as I am to say it) we have far too much in common.

Two years ago I had a constructed language. I worked on it a lot and I had got the general vocabulary up to about 200, about 20 verbs, a script for the language, and a near complete grammer system which was constantly being developed. Shortly after the first holiday to Mallorca (the one where we stayed at the finca *shudder* with the Phillips family) the language pad went missing. Distraught, I searched everywhere I could think of. I even went so far as to go to the Kingdom Hall to see if it had somehow found its way there. No sign of it. I had resigned myself to a life without my masterpiece. Up until yesterday. I was walking up the stairs and just so happened to look down at the steps. There, to my surprise, was my language pad! Looking just as I had remembered it. 'Is this a dream?' I fleetingly thought, I picked it up, and ran to where mother was.
"Mum! You found it, you found it! Where was it?" I exclaimed, hugging her. It turns out that she had put it away in the sideboard, and had only found it now because she was randomly clearing it out. I am delighted and am now proceeding to add more vocabulary to the beloved collection of syllables.

~Edit 2:08pm~
It is half term now. Right now I am listening to the Beatles. I have the urge to see Yellow Submarine for the umpteenth time. But I think I will resist, for I have already seen it 4 times since the start of the year. I love that film.

I have been meaning to note some people but haven't gotten round to doing it yet. I must do that soon.

As you know I have been considering asking parents if I could see a psychiatrist. Well I'm currently attempting to gather sufficient courage to ask them about it. And then I'll need to find the time to ask, too. Wish me luck.

Wil phoned me a few hous ago telling me that his parents are away tomorrow and asking if he could cycle to my house! Let me put this into perspective for you. Wil lives in Southampton, that is about Seven miles from where I live! He is brave and crazy to attempt that. Anyway I said yes, he could. So he'll be round at about two tomorrow. Isn't it strange, we don't see or speak to each other (MSN Messenger doesn't count) at all since we broke up, and then in the space of two days we talk for a cumulative two hours and arrange to see each other the next day. I'm glad that we stayed friends.

Just now I was running William through the basics of my language. Mwak welafei zha kamiyo. That means, many elephants are big. Anyway we may be going to Odeon to watch Harry Potter with some other people on Monday. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite of all 5, so the film had better be good.

The time is now 5:04 pm, and that took ages to write.

Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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