Grandad, Guardian of the Garden!

Monday, May. 03, 2004 - 7:03 pm

Good evening.

I've recently taken to jogging on weekends. I'm getting better but it makes me realise how amazingly unfit I am.

The first thing I did yesterday was go out to Nanny Cathy's and do the gardening. That's right, no breakfast, not even time to do my hair. But I did the entire plot that she's given us (it's all gone to waste and really overgrown since Grandad died) and have now rid it of all it's pretty weeds. It's a shame but at least it's an ordinary garden again. Grandad would've been proud. In fact, at one point yesterday while I was left all on my own in the garden I started chatting away to him as if he were there helping me with the weeding. Oh come on, I'm sure all of you have done or will do something like that. I sung all of his old ditties. I reckon I shall declare Grandad to be the guardian of my garden plot and shall sing at least one of his old songs while gardening. I must learn the words to "The Crystal Chandeliers" (Ohhh the crystal chandeliers light up the paintings on your wall/ the marble statuettes are standing stately in the hall/ something something something something something something something thiiiiinnnnngggg!/ Wheeeen the new wears off of your crystal chandeliers!)

After working all day from 10am till 6pm we got home (after a little trip to Woolston on the way to see Laura, Donna and Leigh, A. Pat and U. John and Spike (Spike, their next door neighbour, the COOLEST name! He's great fun but was slightly drunk when he came round this time, still great fun)) and I went out on the jog I'd promised myself, stopping by the One Stop to buy Sam some random chocolate. I decided that while I was there I could go get myself a job application form (they're looing for staff) and didn't chicken out for once. Strange expression. Anyhow that's yesterday. Oh, I sat in Nan's tree on the front garden for an hour reading my hilarious book and laughing even more at the thought of passers by only being able to see this laughing tree and a pair of legs. Hehehe, the delights of treedom.

Ben and I finally managed to persuade M+D to let us watch American Pie. Not really hilarious, but funny. We also have the sequel, as of yet unwatched by our innocent eyes. By God Hannigan is hot.

Anywho, must dash. Fare thee well!


Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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