One hundred and thirty-four.

Monday, Apr. 26, 2004 - 9:17 pm

Sunday 4th April 2004 11:05pm

I have mild but noticeable sunburn which has become. quite. sore.

We went to the last supper memorial. In spanish. The brothers and sisters were v. nice. We met two people called Maria (maybe) and (Roderigo?). I'll check their names. Well I gained a signed songbook in Spanish from Roderigo and yes we were all very happy. Exchanged phone numbers and addresses. Sorry for stupid writing, tired. Goodnight. Kim xxx

Tuesday 6th April 2004 10:45am

So, what did I do yesterday? Let me a few seconds to recollect, time goes by quickly and unnoticed.

We went to Cala Rajada, the place where our caf� is.

We wondered around for ages then ended up back at our caf�.. oops hang on...


I stopped writing because the car started moving again. I am presently in the car outside a supermarket in some English resort. M+D are shopping.

Today we went to Palma. We walked around the many streets. Palma is a wondeful city. There was loads of shops, markets, street performers, places of interest and even a protest (about some court thing, the T.V. were there).

I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I have a bad bad headache.

So yestersday.

Last night Ben and I went on a walk up to the large cave we all discovered 3 days ago. We went inside a little way and watched (or rather listened) to the bats. It was wonderful!

Before this Ben and I walked from the local platja (beach, pronounced playa) to the caves by the sea and read awhile.

On Saturday nighttime I got fed up with everybody and went on a walk before I lost my temper with them. Thus I found these caves.

It is very peaceful down there with the waves. There must be about 5 or so caves down there, accessable only by sea, inadviseable to explore. But oh-so-pretty. I've been there thrice now - once on my own, twice with Ben.

Last night we played card games. Mum, Ben and I played Pontoon, I didn't win very often, then Dad joined in and I got Pontoon and was dealer from then on. Then Mum went to bed and I reminded Dad on the rules of Cheat, which we then played. I won with 2 cards left at the end. 2 Aces.

Tomorrow is Alice's birthday. I wish I could come to her party.

This is what she does with her diaries - she names every book a different name. That's a nice idea. She writes so much in her diaries that she has about a book a month! Maybe I could do that? Beats 'Jenny', but then again my books have been 'Jenny' right from the start. Hmm... what shall you be? Phoebe? Fiona? Hey, Alice! Tania? Am�lie? William? Garphlax?! hehe... maybe later, hm?

[and here I have put a quote from the cloning of Joanna May, by Fay Weldon, but I shan't write it here for fear of breaching copywrite. Look it up. Pages 45-46 'The Cloning of Joanna May' by Fay Weldon, chapter 10]

And so I take my leave of you and hope to type up the remaining 8 entries.

Night xxx

Oh, before I go - I've created a dream journal. I have 4 entries so far. It's a cool site.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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