
Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004 - 2:14 pm

My God, I've been ill for a whole seven days now. And it doesn't look like I'm getting any better. Apparantly it's an IT day today at school. I could email somebody but last time there was an IT day they disabled the internet. Benjamin's at home today, it's also Teacher-Parent day or something similar. So he's got the day off. I just woke up at 12:00 and had a soda farl with jam. I haven't eaten much in a week. I've been skipping meals and have been having approximately 1 meal a day, and even then leaving food on the plate.

I'm going to update that Obsessions page, it's going to be I Love or Loves or something like that. And I'm changing Things to Links. But you don't want to hear about any of that, do you?

I haven't had much of a life at the moment. I've been in bed or watching television, all dosed up with paracetemol and feeling like... ill. Did I tell you the guitar's been fixed?

Okay let's do one of those heart brain ears junk, shall we?

Heart: Sleepy

Ears: Some strange distant ringing noise.

Eyes: Emails

Last eaten: Soda Farl with flora and jam.

Last drunk: Cup of water yesterday.

Brain: What am I going to do once I've left school? Will I get into college? What do I want to be? I don't know what I want to do. I want to travel the world. I want to write. To draw. To act. To see. To learn. To meet and to travel. But what do I want to be? Who do I want to be? Is that what I want?

Body: My red and black and gold chinese pyjamas. My hair, although clean, has not been brushed in a week. It's going to be a nightmare to brush. But it does look kinda cool.

Last song/music heard: A wonderful haunting tune last night on Classic FM. With violins. And piano.

Last thing on the tellie seen: BREAKING NEWS! 170 something people died in train bombings in Madrid. That made me cry, that did. Terrorists.

Last thing said: "Sure Ben, see you. Love you Mum! Ben!"

Novel currently Reading: The Time of The Ghost - Dianna Wynne Jones, and, not really a novel, is a graphic comiC book thing. Sandman - Season of Mists - Neil Gaiman.

Last read: Season of Mists - Neil Gaiman.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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