Head spin ache babble faint.

Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004 - 8:32 pm

I still have one note to answer to.

I have been ill since Thursday. I had Alice round on Thursday and we watched TNBC, walked up to see the house, more on that later, ate stuff. It was fun. Although I had this really mega bad sore throat and My head was pounding and swam whenever I turned it. I managed to appear well until we dropped her off at her house, and then I collapsed like an ill lump of Kim-jelly.

The old house seems like it is going to be knocked down. When Alice and I went up to look at it the front facing had gone, leaving grey concrete surrounding the front part of the house. A truck with a skip with windows and brick in it came out of the garden-part towng all the stuff away. The window frames were gone, the front door looked.. different. The inside looked different. Glass was gone, some boards were gone. So damn.

I had an idea. An idea founded from feverish illness which is afflicting me even as I type. But hey, I'd have had the idea anyway. Philosophy. Oh by the way the guitar's been fixed. What it is is that I put up a question here, and people who want to answer it or give a view or opinion emails me. Could be fun. And then I could put their answers up here, along with my view, and set aother one. It could be good preparation for my Philosophy course at College, if I get in. So, anyone interested? If anyone's interested in the idea um... email me. Yes. Email me ame_yasha@REMOVE THIShotmail.com ... or you could just note me.

I'm thinking of having my diary reviewed. I have finished my desired layout change, the image is now deciding to work, so why not? I'll go get it reviewed by somebody.

I feel like singing. Problem is, I have no voice with which to sing with. Damnation.

There was something important to say, I swear.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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