The Last Samurai

Monday, Feb. 02, 2004 - 4:02 pm

On Friday I lent Katie �5 so she could go to some thingamejigga, I think it was some kind of concert in Bishops Waltham. I hear it was really bad, but I also hear it was really good. She's paying me back. I feel I'm kinda forgotten. A loada people are going to see the Chillis but no one asked me or even told me about it. And now someone, I think Beth, can't go, and she didn't even so much as mention the extra ticket floating around to me. I feel kinda.. unwanted. If you get my meaning. But that doesn't matter.

Saturday Ben and I went to Southampton together. We watched the Last Samurai, which was very good, a lot of it was actually in Japanese! I had to get Benji out of sight to buy the tickets, it's a 15 and he's only 13. I'm glad he persuaded me to watch it coz I didn't want to to start with. I bought some coffee beans and Wil's birthday present.

I feel sort of strange right now. Did yesterday too. I feel sort of.. floaty, and light headed, dreamy, kinda sad but kinda contented and happy too. It's a really bizarre kind of emotion. I wonder what it's called. Or even if anyone has put a name to it.

Nothing more to relate, really. Nothing much, anyway. So, unless I think of something more to write, good evening.

Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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