Pirate treasure!

04/09/2003 - 6:25 pm

Well then, yesterday. We went to watch the movie, which was really quite good, quite funny. I liked the moral issues in it. Just like me, watching a comedy but being more interested in philosophy. Yeah, I especially liked the bit where the guy is off the end of the jetty and all the woman can see is his dog flying up through the air. After we had a BK, well, Laura had a BK, I didn't have anything apart from a few of her chips. I wanted to go to the historic dockyard to see the Victory and all the other ships so we went but didn't stay long because Laura got seasick simply looking at the ship in the dry dock! I don't think she was very well yesterday... We walked around a bit before going home. All in all a mediocre day.

Today I went online early before Ben got up so I could revisit a site I found yestersay. It's about pirates (surprise, surprise). I've learnt quite a lot. I'm driving everyone mad! There is an island which is very intruiging. Apparantly there's treasure buried under a beach. They've had proffesionals look for it but although they know where it is, they can't get to it. Whoever dug the hole is a master genius. The beach itself is man made, and there's been a drainage booby trap which fills the hole up with water every time someone gets deep enough. What really annoys me is the fact that they haven't been careful with what they found down there. They'd drill down, destroying old parchment (maybe more clues?) and who knpows what else? I think they need proper archaelogists in (like me!.. Well, not so me right now, but me if I get a degree!) These teenagers found it in the late 18th century. They found a slab with a cipher (again, my expertise!) which, when deciphered, stated that there was treasure buried some forty feet below. I am planning on visiting this island in my gap year, I hope that Alice will come too. But the annoying thing is, even if we could get down there, we'd not have the technology or the right to take the treasure. *glares at modern society* I'd like to have lived in an earlier time, although I like this time too, just not the society. It's not free, even if it says it is.

I'm completely obsessed with this pirate thing. It's driving me crazy! Well, it's making me enthusiatic, it's driving everyone else crazy! No one could care less. It's just me who finds this sort of stuff exciting.

School tomorrow. Yet another dose of bloody society. And bloody rules. And homework. Which I haven't done much of. I'm going to try my best in GCSE so I can learn the things that interest me the most.

I have the sudden urge to play Monkey Island again. I wonder why! :�

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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