Captain Jack Sparrow!

30/08/2003 - 8:06 pm

Not last Friday but the one before I went to Southampton with Alice. We shopped around and looked at stuff before deciding to go watch a random movie. We watched Pirates of the Carribean. I think I've mentioned this before but if I haven't (I can't be bothered to check) I shall now. Pirates of the Carribean is a most fantastic movie! Captain Jack Sparrow was just the coolest character. Johnny Depp played him brilliantly! I loved the movie but I don't think Alice was too keen on it. Well after pigging out and enjoying the movie we went home the end (it's a mini adventure). I just wanted to tell that little story because I failed to do so when I actually did it.

Today I went to Southampton with Laura, Wil, William, Sean and Mike. I got up at half eight to catch the bus but got a phone call from Laura at 20 past 9 telling me that the bus was going to be coming at 20 to 10 instead of 10 past like I thought. So I jogged half a mile before wearing out and 'power walked' the rest of the way. By the time I got to the bus stop I was totally worn out and collapsed on a wall. One can't blame me, I had ran/jogged more than a mile in less than 20 minutes!

I managed to catch the bus and we went to Southampton, waiting for everyone outside Odeon. We decided to shop around before watching a movie but Mike and Sean kept rushing us through everything and Laura kept lagging behind. In the end we wandered back to Odeon and looked at the movies. Deciding on the movie we went to the arcade and played air hockey. Well, I didn't. All I did was pay for the tickets. �36 in all!! But thankfully I got payed back. Annoyingly as we're all 'adults' (very unfair, we're only 15!) we had to pay �6 instead of the �4 I was expecting. We went to wait for the movie outside the screen (loaded down with a large popcorn and medium Coca). These three boys kept laughing at us for some strange reason and we kept asking them why. They kept taking the piss out of William (he was quite hyper, mind) so he attempted to scare them by talking to them in French. I dunno what he said exactly but I think he said something to the effect of "What are you looking at" and they tried to answer back with "merde", pathetic I know, so he replied something like "Yeah, real good french". I'll have to ask him if I'm right. Seriously he's like Jean-Therese where one second she's speaking English and the next she's faded into French. We went to watch the movie then and guess what we watched?! My favourite film on the big screen at the moment! Yep! If you don't know what that is by now, then tough. Johnny Depp is truly brilliant! Ahem..... yes..

So that's twice I've watched the film now. I don't think I'd want to see it again for a while, it'll spoil it.

After the film we tried to do stuff but Sean and Mike kept rushing us through again. I wanted to go to the role playing shop thing but we wouldn't dare because people were in there playing cards. I wanted to spend longer in Forbidden Planet but, again, Mike and Sean. Oh and they buggered off and pretended they were in Argos while they were really in Burger King. And they abandoned us an hour before we left. Really they ruined the trip in my opinion. William and Wil kept insulting one another. Oh an hour before we left (when Sean and Mike snuck off) I fought William for his 'Unreel' magazine. I won. Thrice. He's so weak! *laughs* Well it's not like we had anything better to do! We went to West Quay food mall where I had a Smartie's McFlurry. William had the cheek to pat my head (only one person can do that!) so I flicked him with some McFlurry, getting him mostly but also getting the people sat behind him. I apologised profusely while William fumed about his hair being 'messed up' what a joke!

Oh yeah in the cinema I kept feeding Wil with popcorn. Hehehehe..

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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