Write myself a letter

Sunday, May. 21, 2006 - 4:55 pm

The entry explaining this letter is here. Just thought I'd post it here in case I misplace it. Might put it on my LJ too.


16, Ashley Gds,
26th January 2003

Dear Kim,

Happy 15th birthday! I have recently found a way to send inanimate objects back in time, so I'm writing you this letter from 2006. What better present than to have a letter from your 18-year-old future self arrive on your doorstep, eh?
So, I thought I'd give you a bit of advice. I'd like to tell you all the things you have to look forward to, but that will just spoil the surprise. But there are a few things that I would like to tell you in the hope that you'll remember them when the time comes.
First off, Wil. Become better friends with him. I know he isn't around anymore, but you'll see him again soon. Enjoy what you have with him, me. I did for a while, but then grew dissatisfied and bored. He really is a lovely guy.

On New Year 2006, don't kiss that person the way you kissed somebody before, whilst at a drunken party. For the love of God don't kiss him like that. I'm still dying of embarrassment. Also, don't send that letter that you'll want to send in a year's time, no matter how much of a good idea it seems at the time. I have a bad feeling I have hurt the recipient, though we have never spoken about it.

Hmm...� is there any more advice I can give myself? Ah yes.. There's not a very strong possibility that this will make a difference, but it might so I'll say it. Don't watch a TV show called Monk. Sometime in the future you'll come home on a Saturday to find it on. Don't watch it. Right now I love it, and you would too, obviously, but just don't, please.

I'm sorry if I'm boring you with all this advice stuff, but I'm sure you understand why. If you had the opportunity to write to your past self, I know you would. These pronouns are confusing me, Kim. I, You...� which to use?

So, I'm sure you're wondering what you'll be like in 3 years time, no? Not a lot different from what you're like now, really. I still don't have a boyfriend, I put it down to being so blinking shy, although I have had a relationship in my past and your future, so I guess that counts for something. I still love sci-fi (how some people don't is quite beyond me!), fanfic and Japanese. In fact, I'm learning it for GCSE in College right now. I'll impress you, shall I? こんにちは キム、私 は キム です! 今週 の 木曜日 に アイミさん と サラーさん (Amy Fairbrass and Sarah Mitchison) と クラッビング お しました (Only actually I didn't. We went drinking and then couldn't get in because I forgot my ID)。 来週 の 木曜日 に ベンくん とでイラン モランさん お 見ます(I'm so excited)。 Aye, so I challenge you to translate that!

I can't really remember how good I was at Japanese at your age, but I seem to remember thinking that "Watakushi no namae wa Kim to mooshimasu" (or something to that effect) meant "My name is Kim". No, you're wrong I'm afraid. ""My name is Kim"" is... "Watashi no namae wa Kim desu" or simply "Watashi wa Kim desu." So.. yeah. Um...� Okay here's something you might find vaguely amusing. I'm currently obsessed with Red Dwarf (utterly brilliant, by the way). Benji annoyed me a few days ago (he gave me something minty to chew, and it turned out to be a menthol cigarette filter tip, yuck) so I decided to exact revenge by drawing an H on his forehead (H for Hologram, it's a reference to Red Dwarf. Just thought I'd add that coz I know the last time I saw Red Dwarf I was like 10 or something). So I tried this morning (at 6am) and he bloody woke up!
"What the f* are you doing?!" He said.
Leaning over his bunk, balanced on a chair, with a felt-tip pen hovering over his forehead, I replied, "Um.. nothing?"

Okay.. my favourite bands are Genesis, Garbage and Portishead, which I think I discover later on this year. Or maybe I already know about it. Bah. Oh and also, Doctor Who is on again, the BBC is making new episodes again, yay!

I had a time trying to remember the immediate events in the life you are living now, since I did not write in Jenny until about July 2003. I know why I abandoned it, so I don't need any excuses, but you know writing can help you get that sadness out of your system. I really miss granddad, but once I started writing about it I felt marginally better for it. It would be nice to read about what I'd done in that long 9 month gap of no writing, because I can't really remember too well. Also, spend more time with your grand-parents. Grandad Harry's rather ill right now, and I've been told he won't last very long at all, and I do not want to regret not spending any time with him.

I've almost finished college and plan to go to Uni to learn Psychology and Japanese. I'm thinking of making one of them into a profession - I bet you never thought you'd be trying to find a job in Japanese!

Oh, while I'm thinking of it, please sit and stand straighter, and don't spend so much time on the computer, or you'll end up with a back like a two-legged centaur and glasses by the time you're 18. Trust me on this.

So, I think I'll send this now. I hope it gets to the right time. Enjoy your life! It's been good so far.

From Future-Kim, xxx

P.S Just to prove this is from yourself and not some practical joke: Giles is sexy, and the most embarrassing thing you've ever done is when you were really young and shoved your hand into some guy's pocket and said "Hold my Daddy's hand?".

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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