I need to pee

Saturday, Aug. 20, 2005 - 5:12 pm

It's all that coffee I had this morning at work, see. It keeps me awake, sure, but at the cost of a temporarily tiny bladder.

Today Mags wasn't working the morning shift with me since she's somewhere along the South Coast in a place beginning with D. Um... Devon? I'm so geographically ignorant. I worked with Ben instead (I like Ben), who's more layed back and lets me read the newspaper when there's nobody around. And who brings me coffeeeeeee.

After shift I go out back to collect my things and Jean (my manager) is there (I almost walked into her). She asked me if I can do Friday shift 6 to 10 from now on! I got another 4 hour shift! Yay! I'm in the money y'all.

No, really, I need the toilet like right now. I'll be right back to resume my incoherence.

I have returned. There isn't much to talk about right now. The only little thing about my life is my Blistering Defeat in AS levels. Failed Classical Civilisations, E in Philosophy, and D in Psychology and Biology. What the hell am I going to do now? I'm going to have to take a third year at college to get the grades to get into University, at the cost of my well-prepared for Year Out. To Japan. Farewell Japan, my lover. It was never meant to be. Sob... I really don't know what to do.

And there's another family drama. Involving not being able to walk because of psychological issues. Again. I shan't go into it because it's the very most sensitive subject of my extended family. But.. Oh Life Is Pain And Grief.

In The Cure for Death by Lightening the farm cats Beth, the girl, likes have been drowned by her father. I wonder what's the matter with him? I wonder if he killed that girl?

My word this is a good book. As disturbing as God of Small Things.

Sincerely Kim

I don't need to urinate so much anymore. Caffeine begone!

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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