Pretty bored

Sunday, Aug. 14, 2005 - 6:46 pm

Hi, I'm pretty bored right now. I'm wondering what's on the television, but I don't think anything good's on. I think Stargate will be on later, around 9, the film I mean, not the series. Ah I love Stargate And DanielJackson. Mmm... before I managed to remember his name, or the actor;s (I have a bad memory for names, as you know), I used to refer to him as "Glasses Guy". Anyway since I am so bored, I shall do a few memes.

From Fibermusings
1) What 3 things do you not have that you are currently lusting for?
A working Walkman
An electric guitar complete with guitar lessons
A boat. One with three sails, and cannons. And a flag. The flag shall be blue, red and black and shall have a swift on it. And it shall be called The Swift. And I shall sail it all around the world.

2) If you could only say 3 words for a period of a year, what would they be?
"Please", because how else will I get things? I would say "please?" and look pathetic and cute until I get what I want.
"Sorry", because when I was in Germany one time, I accidentally bumped into a lady, and she rounded on me and looked really angry at me. I said sorry to her in German and her expression instantly softened and she smiled and walked away. If I hadn't have learnt the word for sorry the day before, who KNOWS what she might have done?!
"Help", because I might be in trouble and how else would I get help?
Also - I can say "Sorry, Please Help?" when I want somebody to get something off a High Shelf for me.

3) Who are your 3 favorite people? (could be family, could be friends, could be anyone) And spare me the whole "Fiber, it's you." I already know.
Aye, 3 favourite people? I'm not good at favourite people...
Alice, because, well, she's Alice isn't she! Aw I love you Alice, you're so.. wonderful ^_^ I don't need a reason.
William I think, also. No reason needed for him either, I think. Actually. I shan't give reasons for anybody. You're my favourites becasue you are (like chocolate).
Um... the third person... Dad I think. Mum isn't on the list becasue she's more often or not NOT my favourite person, due to bad bad offensive arguments. And Ben doesn't quite qualify because he's uber annoying and his amazing good luck and money make me shamefully green with envy.

I'm gonna finish watching Lost now. Bye xxx

I just finished watching Lost. Damn it is SCARY. I saw the polar bear and thought "Hey, that's a polar bear" and then the guys on the screen said "Hey that's a polar bear" and I thought "Yay I was right!"
It was so scary that Rosie wanted to come and watch with me so I sat her on my lap and cuddled her so she wouldn't be scared (hehehe). Her stitching is coming undone again, even though I only fixed her 6 months ago, only my stitching's come undone, I know this because I sewed in blue thread, while the original stitching - my nan's - was pink. So her head's hanging off. She's Nearly Headless Rosie!

As I was leaving the office after coming in to tell Dad how scary Lost was, Dad said,
"Nan's on the phone downstairs if you want to talk to her."
"Okay. Which Nan?"
"The nice one."
"Both of them are nice!"
"My nice Nan."
"But your Nan is dead, Dad!"
There was a short pause before Dad turned in his swivelly chair to fully face me.
"...We've got a bloody good phone then, wouldn't you think?"

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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