Maize maze

Tuesday, Aug. 09, 2005 - 12:23 mn

Hi it's kinda late.

Today I went to a maize maze with Dad, Mum, and the littluns Jake, Daniel and Wilfie. I was picked as leader for some reason (clearly it was my amazing sense of direction) and everybody followed me through the maze. I think I was just too good for the maze and didn't get us as lost as I think we were supposed to. There were 4 bridges, and we only crossed two, and the last was the exit bridge so essentially only one bridge. No worries, just proves my wicked m4d 5I<1LLz (and bad L337 5P33<) at instinctual directions. In your FACE men who say women aren't good at directions! I'm damned good at maps too, so THERE! (Just don't tell them that I'm miserably hopeless at Rubik's Cubes)

Um. Well yesterday's entry was glum, wasn't it.

Myeees... I am so tired right now. I wonder when the Beatles will come invade this here games room demanding cupcakes? They must be due any minute now.

Other than the maize maze I didn't really do much, although I DID eat a lot of chocolate, though that was really through my own semi-forced volition (ah I love contradictions). Benjamin was in a foul mood with me. Probably because he had to face the dentist at 9 this morning, and also because I'd shouted the previous day.


I do so miss the old days.

Kim xxx (12:41 mn)

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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