Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 - 7:57 pm

It came! It came yesterday! Yay! It caaammmeee

I've read almost half of the first chapter (been doing other stuff..) which definitely doesn't compare to some other people. The ones who went to the shops at Midnight to get their copy and stayed up for 48 hours straight to read it all. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

Aye. I actually started this at 8ish, like it says, but wrote two words and then went downstairs to watch Stargate: Atlantis. So I'm wrapping this up quickly at... almost midnight. Goes without saying I will sleepify soon.

Anyone involved in the Old Bean Picnic: Is Thursday alright? I'll phone you all and organise it tomorrow. Let us hope the weather does not turn against us like a vicious Bulldog. Arf!

Notes to self:
blackberry picking
Gay top
Shopping w M
Books + bookcrossing.

Before I go.. remember the spider the size of Brazil that I mentioned over two months ago? Well I found it again yesterday. I'm looking at it right now, it's flexing its big spidery muscles and going
"Get near me, mate, and I'll waste ya!"
This show of agression is mainly bravado, though, because deep down in his spidery soul he's just a big freak who wants only to be loved. And to eat flies. And to not be trodden on. He's made a nest in the gap between the carpet and the wall and every now and then he pokes his legs out. If I make a bang he darts right back in again. He's such a creep though, and I want him OUT.

But for now, while he's lodging with us (there's a few house rules: No biting, no scuttling over my feet, and no being scary.. he's broken two of them, let's not hope he breaks the first one), I've made him a door sign.

"Enter the lair... meet the Freak of Nature - the grotesquely mutated Giant House Spider"

I hope he likes it.

Night! Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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