The nature of the English and Complaining

Sunday, Jun. 19, 2005 - 10:29 pm

Mmmyes, many apologies for shortened entry last time. A gigantic spider dropped down from God-knows-where, landing just inches away from my hand. I'm not normally scared of spiders but this one looked big and mean and I didn't want to touch her since I might hurt her (or she might hurt me).. so I made a hasty farewell and turned the computer off (edging backwards towards the door, so she doesn't rush at me hehe...)
Anyway. That day. It was gorgeous. But considering all the other days since then, it's not so special. Almost every day since then has been gloriously warm and contentifying. That day I sat in front of the television watching some Stargate SG1, when I got a phone call from William.
"Go outside," he said, "it's lovely. You can take your top off, I've done that.. oh no wait, you can't."
"Oh it's okay, I don't think anyone's around, hehe"
I could've lied outside half-naked, but instead I changed into a skirt and stretched myself out between two chairs in the back garden, in full view of the lovely sun (not of the sunburn quality of heat, just about the right amount of cloud cover for it to be warm, sunny and blue-skied without the risk of burning) and sipped on an ice-cool bottle of Iced Tea. Jasmine and Peach flavour, mmmm.... and I read the Phantom of the Opera in between watching my little winged friends come down and eat the food that they'd begged me for, for hours. I was out there way up from 12 ish till 3, when the sun eventually sent a shadow over my sitting-spot and made everything chilly.

Since then we've had spots of rain, but mostly lovely sunny weather. I personally love the rain, and it gives new life to the plants, but I equally love the sun, and the snow. I wonder... if I ask really really nicely, do you think a place which has lovely fat rain, snow drifting peacefully down, and the sun beating a lovely sun-bathing sort of ray down on me all at the same time will suddenly pop into existence and have me stripping off all my clothes and go dancing round willow trees by the river? (I'm a nudist at heart!)

Wow that really WAS a rambling side-track.

Anyway last Friday my beloved Radio 2 Dawn Patroller Sarah Kennedy told me at around 6 in the morning, that the entirety of Merry Ol' England will have a heatwave, with temperatures in the 31c scale the following day (which would be Saturday). Ah Sarah, as ever you are always right. Indeedy we are in a 'scorcher' of a heat-wave! The air outside is humid like it is in Florida before a thunderstorm in the Autumn, and it is "hotter than Tunisia" - so says the guy who is on Radio 2 Saturday mornings. It's lovely, but I can't move! Everyone at the shop yesterday was coming in and actually complaining about our good fortune! Really! English people are enever happy with the gifts the weather endows them with. In the Winter it's
"Ohhh it's so cold, I've gots the 'flu, and it's raining. I wish it was Summer/snowing/warmer"
and in the Summer we get
"Ack it's sooo hot, I feel like I'm gonna melt! I can't move! I have hayfever! I wish it were cooler/Winter/snowing/raining"
and if it's snowing it's
"Oh I HATE the snow! My arthritus is playing me up! Bring back the warmth of the rain! I want rain!"
I think it must be the English way to complain about the weather all the time. It's NEVER "Oh, isn't it a lovely day, why don't you fetch a coat and we can go walking in this here thunderstorm and return sodden to the bone!"

Ahhh I love thunderstorms. Can I have thunderstorms added to the list of weather that occurs at my Place, please? Thank you.
Anyway I don't mind the heat or humidity, but it's making it even more difficult for sleep to occur, so I really do hope it thunders soon (it probably will, this sort of weather brings thunderstorms) because then it won't be as humid and the pollen count won't be so high.

So yesterday and today was the JW convention again. A whole year's passed since maman got bitten and almost DIED. Anywho I couldn't go yesterday 'coz of Work (hey, I'm not complainin'!) so after 12 I went and made myself up some of the elderflower cordial me and dad made the day before and sat outside writing in my written diary (this one is called William, incidentally, because the cover is of William Shakespeare, and the diary is BEAUTIFUL! Also it's a good writing stimulation as opposed to Eiko or Am�lie. It's like Sophia, the one I had last summer). I had Genesis playing full volume (Wind and Wuthering) with the earpieces slung over my shoulders so I could hear my friends the blackbirds and the windchimes that I had put up a few days ago. I put card in the shape of the sun on my leg to see how much my skin had changed colour once I'd finished sitting out there.

Oh dear, it's midnight. I'll make the rest quick - little rambling now. Good thing.

I invited Elizabeth over since she was bored and we sat outside for hours just talking, splashing each other with water, and playing TopTrumps. Then after she'd gone home for a bit to do chores, she came back and asked if I wanted to play some Swingball at her house. So over I went, and we played until the sun'd almost set. It was basically a draw. After the games, I kneeled in the grass and, behold! I saw a teeny tiny little froggle hopping along in the grass. It was so young that it still had a little blob of a tail. It was SO cute, and I just had to catch it. I always like catching frogs, they're so wet and cool in my hands and the ribbit so sweetly. So I caught it and out it in Elizabeth's pond, hoping I hadn't hurt it with my hot hands (apparantly human body temperature can really harm them and you're supposed to cool your hands in water before touching them. Though I might be thinking about something else.) Then E and I went arounf the grass rescuing like 8 or 9 little frogs from the possible clutches of George.

Today I went to the convention. It was almost unbearably hot, and I drank twice my body weight in water. I also met James and that made the day more interesting instead of it consisting of meeting people I'm supposed to know but can't remember.

Anyway really gotta go, I've had barely any sleep since Wednesday and I've got college tomorrow.

I hope this lenghty entry was sufficient. I shall strive to write more, since I'm feeling slightly better now.

Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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