Maureen and Kevin

Saturday, Oct. 02, 2004 - 11:06 pm

I got a great book from the library today. Not the one I wanted, but it seems interesting.

Today after work I went to Fareham in search of the book I never found. I was also looking for another copy of Shanghai Baby for lending purposes (I love my copy too much to lend to people). But nooo, it looks like they've gone out of print ALREADY.

Good lord it doesn't seem to be a very popular book. I count myself as lucky to find myself such an intricate, enlightening and plain funny book. Soo beautiful and sad and sexy. *goes off into an internal rambling about the wonder that is Shanghai Baby*

Anywho I also bought a folder (99p) from Woolies, because my current college folder doesn't shut properly ('twas mega cheap). And a present for Amy for WHSmith's (it was her 17th birthday a few days ago).

And I bought the Genesis album Wind and Wuthering from MVC. At the time I didn't know that Dad already has this on vinyl, but I don't suppose it matters since he never lets me anywhere near the vinyls or the player. 'Tis an excellent albumn, I'm yet to hear it all the way through.

I was going to stop at the Chinese restaurant for a pot of Jasmine tea (I wonder if they'd have just let me sit there sipping at tea and reading my book, or if they'd have made me buy a meal, too..) but I decided to take an earlier bus and go back home.

This evening we had Nan and Grandad, Auntie Pat and Uncle John, and Maureen and Kevin over for tea. I don't know Kevin all that well. Maureen remarried a few years ago, I think the two make a nice couple. Maureen talks mega fast all the time, she's quite exhausting, and Kevin's very quite and very intelligent.

One of the topics of conversation at the dinner-table was OCD, for some reason. It turns out that Maureen has it, in the form of mental acts (counting, repeating words). See I never knew that.

After dinner Maureen showed me some of Kevin's poems. I think they're absolutely fantastic, seriously. My favourite of the ones I was shown was a poem called Night Window, which is about someone looking out into the night and considering the universe. I showed Kevin my two poems (my most recent one called Why and Wherefore, and my older one called Lonely Winds) and he liked them. It felt nice to meet someone whose main outlet of emotion is writing, just like me.

Anyway I'm going to sleep now, so take care.

Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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