OneStop Almost-job!

Monday, Jul. 19, 2004 - 10:44 pm

Hi there! I managed 42 hours on the sleep thing. And have decided that I went through roughly 5 stages in order:
Normal tiredness
Very tired
Beyond tiredness (so tired that I'm not tired)
So desparately tired that I'm dropping off.

There ya go - an intersting interval in my life.

I got a call today from OneStop asking me if I was available on Mondays, Fridays and Saturday mornings. I, of course said yes and agreed to training from 6 till 8 tonight, same times Friday night and 7 till 12 Saturday morning. With a huge grin on my face. I've almost got a job! WAHOO! Anyhow I went off for training and spent the 2 hours at the tills learning stuff. I'm really happy. And on top of that I get to work with Maggie instead of someone I don't know for two of the shifts!

I've been making cakes all day. I've made almond and strawberry jam muffins, ordinary strawberry jam muffins, fairy cakes and little fun biscuit things. This is in aid of Send a Cow tomorrow at my OLD school's sports day *grineth*

ANOTHER argument with dearest maman, though. She's in a mega bitchy mood. But I guess I am too so it's both our faults really.

G'night, then. Kim xxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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