"Out on the crater," said Mrs. Anderson.

Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004 - 4:58 pm

Okie dokie... Tuesday. I had Food tech last lesson. And I got told off, inevitably. I was in a bit of a bad mood by the time I got home.

Wednesday I had the entire day off of the timetable. Instead I worked in the library on Eglish coursework. Not a bad deal I think, surprisingly I enjoyed every minute of it. Dunno why. Anyway yesterday I managed to finish two pieces of English coursework, one piece of German coursework, a page of Food tech and draw a chocobo for Liv's chocobo competition. I hope I win, the prize is something for the computer and, knowing Liv, it'll be anime or a manga or a song or something cool like that ^_^ The last two lessons of yesterday was P.E. where I chose trampolining before rushing back off to the library. Where I watched the Moulin Rouge DVD for my English coursework film review! Good times - I'm so happy. They actually cleared the media room of students just so I could watch the DVD in peace! Then some teacher guy came in and started watching a documentary in the corner. Which leads onto a few amusing and embarrasing stories. The bit where Satine first meets Christian properly and she thinks he's the duke so when he's trying to recite poetry to her she goes "Yes, Yes! YES! YES!! while squirming around on the floor. Well I started giggling, which led to absolute uncontrollable laughter because I knew that all the teacher guy could hear was this woman going "YES!" like she's having an orgasm or something. And another time was when I was watching the Roxanne bit of the movie and suddenly the teacher burst out laughing. I looked over to him and he explained he was watching a documentary.
"You're laughing at a documentary??!"
"May I see?"
It turned out it was a sex ed. video.
"It just got to the bit where it told you why the boy couldn't get out of the swimming pool!" he sniggered again, leading me to start giggling.
God, whoever he is, he is a cool teacher guy.

Moving swiftly onwards, I felt quite accomplished today.

Oh, and taking a minor detour, okay okay, taking the wrong route and ending up miles from the desired destination or route; WE GOT FINAL FANTASY X-2!!! But and a major but here, it looks completely cheesy and looks like there is no point to it. Cool battle music though. And the girls are sexy. I haven't actually played it yet, so this is all going on what I've seen from Ben playing it. "Tough Nuts" - an ability from the game hehehe

Oh look I've found the path!! Ah but I'm heading the wrong direction. Okay on three turn around and keep on walking okay? 1...2...3! *turns* Anyway. What have I done today then? Well on the way home I borrowed a pound off of Ben to buy this tiramasu and cinnamon ice cream. Sounded foul but curiosity killed the cat. And ripped a huge hole in my pocket in the process. I had �150 just a few months but now... I have less than �10 I know I haven't spent that much.... Sounded foul and tasted foul to start with - I wasn't prepared for the taste. But I quite liked it, even though it did taste vaguely repulsive. I might buy another.. when I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY. Good lord I really need a job, other than babysitting I mean. Ooo creepy I just heard a guitar and the only guitar around is the one right by me.. not being played... When I went on that walk with Dad we found ourselves in One Stop where we met Maggie. After I recieved my first static shock of the day (the first off of my bedroom door and the second off of George the cat of all places) Ooops dinner I'll submit this in case the computer crashes. I'll be back!

Oh SHIT IT DID IT AGAIN! The third time I try and add something and it crashes on me!! ARGH. Stupid virus-infested computor WHY WON'T YOU WORK! Anyway in short, Ubanks the boxer dog died, they got a new bitch puppy boxer called God knows what and I was invited to go see her and I was told I can borrow TNBC at the same time, over the weekend Kim v. happy. Only I wrote it nice and lovely the first time with humour and everyting. Evil PC!!!

Good night, or, if you're American or Emma, Good Nite! xxx (I'm copying it this time to make double sure...)

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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