Operation Crimson Tide

27/11/2003 - 8:19 pm

This is an entry from this site, I thought it was hilarious!

At approximately 3:30AM EST, East and West Ovaria launched a full attack against Central Uterus. It is still unclear at this time what triggered this particular attack. Effects of the attack were felt as far away as the Southern Tailbone area and the Mount Saint Mammory regions in the North, which reported some discomfort and sensitivity during the attack.

Early this morning at approximately 5:00Am EST, Secretary of Defense Max E. Pad and General Midol announce a resistance effort and counter attack were being planned. Dubbing this "Operation Crimson Tide", General Midol said we could expect to see new weaponery revealed during this operation, including a new fleet of "winged" artillery, which is said to cover more surface area than the previous artillery models and will provide better protection.

So far, no casualties have been reported, however a P.O. M. (Prisoner of Menstration) has been captured. Sources are projecting that she can expect to be held from 4 to 7 days.

More developments will be reported as this story unfolds.

*dies laughing*

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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