7 Qs

20/11/2003 - 9:54 pm

01. What would you like to protest against?

Everyone's opinion of me being the strange short one.

02. What or who do you support?

Human equality, and gay marriage rights, it's just not fair!

03. If you got pregnant tomorrow would you have an abortion?

Well, one I wouldn't get pregnant tomorrow, and two, if, in the unlikely case that I did, no I wouldn't, it's murder, in my opinion. But that doesn't mean I'm against other women doing it, it's their life, their choice!

04. Do you like picking out greeting cards or would you rather write your own?

Write my own, of course!

05. Are you mysterious?

Maybe I am, and maybe I'm not *plays lute* ~ahem~ I wouldn't say so.

06. What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you?

I'm not sure.

07. What do you need advice about?

My love life and feelings.

Questions from 7 Questions thingie

Nothing happened today. Honest.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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