
02/11/2003 - 9:49 pm

A very annoying day today. I was taken to the meeting, and made to dress in a skirt - a skirt, I ask you, why would my parents inflict such pain upon me? Anyway I had to sit and listen to a talk about God, like last Sunday. But it was okay really, I got to see Nanny Cathy again for the first time in ages.

After the meeting we went off to Noorandi's for buffet curry. Yummy. Then off to Nan's for tea and a chat. I love Nanny.

Came back home hoping to check my emails and such to find that the internet was down. This is broadband, people! Broadband, offline! Noooooo! It's been off from the time we got back (2ish) till now. And now I'm finally on, Mum comes in and tells me to hurry up coz I should go to bed. In fact, I should go now. And she's making me do homework tomorrow. SHIMATTE!


kjdhfa iwqu4hdsf.kj fja dwa.

*gasp* that doesn't feel any better. Damn.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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