Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 - 12:08 am

I've been working really hard lately and I'm ready to just collapse and sleep for a thousand years. Here's a little list of things I've done/got to do.

1. Revise like the world will implode if I don't.
2. Psychology exam tomorrow. Unit 5 - Individual differences, Issues and Ethical considerations, and Approaches (this one is the blagger's dream). This is going to be the hardest Psych exam yet.
3. Two (count them, TWO) Philosophy exams on Friday. IN. A. ROW.
4. Have been working on the Studios. It's looking fabulous and we've got the first comic (courtesy of the lovely Suki) updating. Shameless plugging
5. All remaining run-time is being devoted to fuelling my Red Dwarf obsession.

Yours sincerely,
Kim Rimmer
(Ben accused me of being like Rimmer (my fave character) ages ago. I was offended at the time, but now I realise it would be so cool to be Rimmer. (But I'll go into that later, I'm tired and have exams on the morrow.) And anyway 'Kim Rimmer' rolls off the tongue so nicely, doesn't it?)

P.S. For your information, I have an I.Q. of 6000. But that's only the I.Q. of 6000 Big Brother contestants.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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