Short "off to work in 6 hours" update

Friday, May. 20, 2005 - 11:51 pm

Just a quick one before I go to bed (Work in the morning).

Today was my last proper day as a Fresher, I think... probably. Actually yeah I think it was. Although nothing had that air of finality about it, so I am doubtful...

I just watched Dylan Moran on the T.V. and now I have his drunken Irish voice echoing through my head in the place of my normal thought-voice. Which is rather disturbing. It's like Dylan Moran has kidnapped my normal thought-voice and is using my brain as a microphone to shout my relatively normal thoughts back at me in a suitably drunken manner.

Yes I am assuming you all know what I mean when I say thought-voice.

Just updating quickly on previously stated matters. The Ladle Boy who wanted his hat back in my entry "Shortest War Ever" has proven to be called Julian. I found this out after spending a free or something hanging around the benches by the Huts for no reason whatsoever. I mean, I didn't even know the people who were sitting there, except the girl with no shoes, who is called Lille (and she scares me). Anyway, yeah. Julian seems to have a complex about his hat.

Also in "Pyramids and Mummies". It seems that Focus did an article about the Saqqara Mummies a month or two ago, but it was in the "In Brief" section so I must have missed it.

NOTE TO SELF: Write about the guy who's too tall to return to Earth.

Ah yes, and I will also tell anyone who wants to know accurate details about the Piano Man, pictured below, to visit and type into the search box "Piano Man".

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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