Embarrasing moments

Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2004 - 9:49 pm

Let me tell you an embarrasing incident. 'Twas my first proper day at work (I work in OneStop now, huzzah!) and I was putting inserts into the papers, a mundane job, yes, but someone has to do it. Anyway what happens is that while I'm doing this customers tend to go round back where I'm working to ask for various papers. At the time I didn't know this. So there I was merrily (of course) inserting inserts into the newspapers and randomly chatting to Price-Check guy (he's this guy who comes in every Saturday morning to check prices) when a man appears at the door and starts to talk to Price-Check guy too. I retreat inside myself where I hum to invisible songs and start to ignore the conversation, until I hear
"So Miss, this man wants a son from you, when you're ready of course." I turn around to look puzzled at the Price-Check guy, sure I misheard him.
"A son?"
"Yes please, miss." says Other Guy. I look blankly at them.
"The Sun? You know, the Sun Newspaper?" says Price-Check. At that point I realise my embarrasing misunderstanding and giggle nervously, hoping no one actually noticed my mistake, and handed him his paper.

Heh. Damn embarrasing moments. I thought I'd just like to share that with you all.

I can't remember if I wrote this before but if I didn't, then I shall now.

I went into Southampton to meet Wil (Supposedly Matt too but he couldn't come in the end. Shame.). Only the bus didn't show for two hours, so I was standing there for approximately 2 hours (I went home for ten minutes to get a cup of tea and check if I got the bus times right) in the drab coldness of the oncoming winter. And when I checked the bus times I was given 4 different ones for the same bus! 4 past, 6 past, 56 past and 44 past. So, in doubt, I stayed at the bus stop for all of the confusing times and the buss still didn't turn up! In the end I went back home to plead with mum to take me into Southampton. When I finally did get there I was over an hour late for the meeting time we'd agreed on.

Here's a list of the stuff I bought: Spirited Away, �9.99, HMV; A Nightmare Before Christmas bag featuring Jack Skellington, for college, �16.77, Jacaranda; Second volume of the manga Tsubasa, �6.99, Forbidden Planet; Nightmare Before Christmas Notepad thingy featuring Sally (more of a collector's piece than anything), �2.99, Forbidden Planet. The reason for random-NBC-merchandise-buying is that I'm intending on buying the DVD, but for some reason none of the shops have it right now (oh wait.. October... aha, now I think I know.) so satiated myself with merchandise instead.

There's sooo much to tell you, dear diary, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to bottle it all up for now so I can go to sleep. But before I go I shall say this: I bought American McGee's Alice from Game �4.99 (I think) and I've just been playing it for the last three-quaters of an hour and it's BRILLIANT! Only the controls were difficult so I had to change them around before I could get started. I love this game. I love the music. I love the weapons. I love the idea. Love it!

Goodnight, then. xxxxxxx

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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