
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 - 7:07 pm

I've been ill since Wednesday afternnon resulting in me not going to school at all, and also me not going on the PC to do this.

Oh look, it's Valentines day. Everyone jump for commercialised joy. Lord. 'Stupid.

I've spend my days watching Doctor Who videos that Dad used to collect when he was working at some shopping place ages ago. Dad's in France at this time, skiing with his sister, her husband and their kids. And the black eyed demon kid.

I'm going to Nan's tomorrow, for a few days, until Thursday I think, so no entries for a while - she has no computer let alone internet.

On Thursday Mum, Ben and I all sat down to watch Edward Scissorhands. Such a great film I can tell you! Alice probably wouldn't like it, though.

I drew a picture of the back of my left hand on Friday. Looks good. If I can work out how to put pics up on here I shall but in the meantime (note to the less observant: art related tangent has just emerged) visit my deviant art site, I have a few sketches up there. Nothing too special but still.

Nothing much to write, if I can think of anything I shall write it in an edit on this entry.

Suoiverp - Txen

Older -- Present

Notes - Me - Rings - Extra - LJ - D-land


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